heather Pincelli

Licensed Therapist

I eat, breathe and live relationships. In addition to my Master’s, I have received extensive and rigorous training in couples and trauma work. Some of the specialized training I have done include: EFT, EMDR, Pia Melody’s Inner Child, Terry Real Relational Life, Gottman, and Stan Tatkin (Attachment Model Work). These models are highly impactful and most importantly EFFECTIVE!

I work primarily from an attachment and trauma perspective to help you understand how your early attachment and past trauma influences you in the present day; the here and now, in your relationship with yourself and others.

Right now you may feel overwhelmed and hopeless, it might be hard to believe this, but it is in our greatest crises and challenges that we are given opportunities for healing and growth. We can’t control the cards we are dealt in life, but we absolutely can decide whether to fold or ante up.

A few facts about me, first and foremost I am human. I share my story as an example of how trauma and healing are a REAL LIFE HUMAN THING and how you can change your current circumstances which shapes your future!!!

  • Two Master’s degrees
  • 3 kids (22, 15, and 12)
  • My parents divorced at a young age and I myself am divorced from my children’s father
  • I know on a very real personal level the pain AND HEALING that comes from infidelity
  • I am a HUGE advocate of co-parenting peacefully and practice what I “preach”
  • I’m a former foster care kiddo
  • Spent years being that perfect child/adult, people pleasing, putting others before me
  • Brought lots of unresolved trauma into my adult life (that led to me entering into relationships that I had no business being in)
  • A total over achiever – over achieving and the constant quest for accomplishments is how I sought validation and self worth and distracted myself from the reality of my world
  • Was the straight A type of student, yep I was that kid

My world came crashing down and I decided I could no longer “fake it until I made it”, I could no longer keep playing the same “game” I had been playing.

This is when I dove deep, really deep into trauma work, attachment work, healing childhood wounds, re-parenting, and PTSD stuff and let me tell you THIS WORK IS AN ABSOLUTE LIFE CHANGER!!! And I couldn’t be more grateful and excited to do this work with my clients because it literally changes your life and world, this is where it is at!!!

Professional Credentials

Licenses & Certifications

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education background

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Professional Experience

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